Lota Animal Mon Ami
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Lota Animal Mon Ami

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 Horreur pour les chiens en Chine

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Georges Vool

Georges Vool

Nombre de messages : 1175
Age : 90
Localisation : Wansin (Hannut)
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2006

Horreur pour les chiens en Chine Empty
MessageSujet: Horreur pour les chiens en Chine   Horreur pour les chiens en Chine Icon_minitimeMer 19 Sep - 14:50

Horreur pour les chiens en Chine Chiens11

Dear Georges,

As someone who has compassion for animals, you must be sickened by the horrors of the fur trade, particularly what goes on in China.

Investigators from our affiliates in Asia and Germany have uncovered horrific abuse and terrible suffering of countless animals in China. The video footage they collected, which can be viewed on PETA’s website, shows that animals are crammed into tiny wire cages and loaded onto the backs of trucks. Up to 800 animals at a time are transported this way on long journeys to markets across the country.

On arrival, the cages are thrown to the ground – often shattering the bones of the animals inside. The animals scream in agony as they are slammed against the hard concrete.

These acts of cruelty are truly abhorrent, but you will be even more shocked to learn that the animals who are being abused this way are cats and dogs – just like the ones many of us share our lives and homes with. Some of them are even still wearing collars – a sure sign that they were once beloved family members.

The video footage shows that cats and dogs are pulled from their cages and violently bludgeoned, strangled with wire nooses, boiled and bled to death before having their skin ripped from their bodies. Some of the animals are still conscious as the fur is torn from their twitching bodies.

The skin from these cats and dogs often is deliberately mislabelled as fur from other species – or not labelled at all – and exported to the UK and other countries, ending up as fur coats or fur trim.

At PETA, we campaign against all forms of cruelty, including that of the fur trade. And not only do our victories for animals include stopping specific cases of abuse, they also include getting entire animal-abusing industries to improve the way animals are treated.

Our fight to save animals’ lives, however, can only be far-reaching, hard-hitting and effective if we gain the trust and support of caring people like you. Please join us today and make a difference on behalf of the countless animals suffering right now. We need you with us!

Thanks to the support of compassionate people like you, top fashion retailers – including Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein and Polo Ralph Lauren – have gone fur-free, and others, like Guess? are making progress towards a no-fur policy. Giant retail outlet Topshop have vowed that they will continue not to feature fur in their designs.

Please join us in putting compassion back into fashion and making the world a safer, more humane place for animals. Their only hope lies with you – and our ability to continue fighting for them.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Poorva Joshipura
PETA Europe

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