Lota Animal Mon Ami
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Lota Animal Mon Ami

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 Rappel de nourriture pour chat! - English follows !!!

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Nombre de messages : 9568
Age : 80
Localisation : (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2006

Rappel de nourriture pour chat! - English follows !!! Empty
MessageSujet: Rappel de nourriture pour chat! - English follows !!!   Rappel de nourriture pour chat! - English follows !!! Icon_minitimeLun 1 Juin - 16:03

Rappel de nourriture pour chat! - English follows

Milice animale du Quebec :

IMPORTANT: Rappel de nourriture sèche pour chats - Dry cat food recall !!
Rappel de nourriture pour chat! - English follows
La compagnie Nutro Products a annoncé un rappel volontaire de leur nourriture sèche pour chats de marques NUTRO®️ NATURAL CHOICE®️ COMPLETE CARE®️ et NUTRO®️ MAX®️.

Les variétés touchées sont celles indiquant : meilleur avant le 12 mai 2010 et le 22 août 2010. Ce rappel touche principalement les États-Unis, mais aussi dix autres pays incluant le Canada.

Il est dû à un mauvais niveau de zinc et de potassium dans le produit final. Les propriétaires de chats qui possèdent ces produits doivent immédiatement cesser de les alimenter. Ils doivent aussi surveiller leur chat pour des symptômes comme une réduction de l'appétit, une perte de poids, des vomissements ou de la diarrhée.

Les consommateurs qui ont acheté des produits touchés par ce rappel volontaire devraient retourner le sac à leur détaillant pour un remboursement complet. Ceux qui ont des questions peuvent téléphoner au 1-800-833-5330 entre 8:00 heures AM à 16 h 30 CST, ou visiter le site www.nutroproducts.com pour connaître la liste de tous les produits.

Envoyez, s.v.p., ce courriel à tous les propriétaires de chats que vous connaissez, cela pourrait sauver la vie d’un petit trésor… Merci!

Recall - Dry cat food products
Franklin, Tennessee (May 21, 2009) -- Today, Nutro Products announced a voluntary recall of select varieties of NUTRO®️ NATURAL CHOICE®️ COMPLETE CARE®️ Dry Cat Foods and NUTRO®️ MAX®️ Cat Dry Foods with “Best If Used By Dates” between May 12, 2010 and August 22, 2010. The cat food is being voluntarily recalled in the United States and ten additional countries. This recall is due to incorrect levels of zinc and potassium in our finished product resulting from a production error by a US-based premix supplier.
Two mineral premixes were affected. One premix contained excessive levels of zinc and under-supplemented potassium. The second premix under-supplemented potassium. Both zinc and potassium are essential nutrients for cats and are added as nutritional supplements to NUTRO®️ dry cat food.

This issue was identified during an audit of our documentation from the supplier. An extensive review confirmed that only these two premixes were affected. This recall does not affect any NUTRO®️ dog food products, wet dog or cat food, or dog and cat treats.

Affected product was distributed to retail customers in all 50 states, as well as to customers in Canada, Mexico, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Israel. We are working with all of our distributors and retail customers, in both the US and internationally, to ensure that the recalled products are not on store shelves. These products should not be sold or distributed further.

Consumers who have purchased affected product should immediately discontinue feeding the product to their cats, and switch to another product with a balanced nutritional profile. While we have received no consumer complaints related to this issue, cat owners should monitor their cat for symptoms, including a reduction in appetite or refusal of food, weight loss, vomiting or diarrhea. If your cat is experiencing health issues or is pregnant, please contact your veterinarian.

Consumers who have purchased product affected by this voluntary recall should return it to their retailer for a full refund or exchange for another NUTRO®️ dry cat food product. Cat owners who have more questions about the recall should call 1-800-833-5330 between the hours 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM CST
Website: www.nutroproducts.com

Nicole et Marcell, fondatrices
Milice @nimale du Québec
Organisme sans but lucratif dûment enregistré No. 1164247729
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