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 La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !!

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 9568
Age : 80
Localisation : (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2006

La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Empty
MessageSujet: La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !!   La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Icon_minitimeMar 9 Juin - 21:24

STOP A LA BARBARIE : La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !!

La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! 12247910

Merci d'envoyer un mail de protestation aux autorités chinoises aux adresses mails ci-dessous :

À : info@cppcc.gov.cn, info@china.org.cn, webmaster@agri.gov.cn, nyt02@163.net, wstj3@shaanxi.gov.cn, wzh@shaanxiwj.cn,
tszx@hanzhong.gov.cn, info@actasia.org

La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! 12247911

La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! 12247811

La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! 12247812

Voici la lettre type à envoyer :


Your Excellencies,

Newspapers worldwide are reporting about the massacre of dogs in Hanzhong area by literally beating them to death. It is with
profound distress that I am writing to you regarding this most Inhumane treatment of dogs and ask you wholeheartedly that you put a
stop to it immediately.

The West is horrified by so much vileness, and this will certainly not be a postcard that China would want for the world to see. It
is because of these practices that the important and rich Chinese culture and history have become so stained and repudiated by most
countries which have adhered to humane laws to protect the most defenceless members of our planet: the animals. It will not be
difficult for China to adjust to this new era since most Chinese people abhor these extreme cruelties. This type of cruel bloodshed
will only destroy China's respectability around the world.

Quoting General Secretary Hu Jintao on December 18, 2008 commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the reform: "the spiritual poverty
is not socialism," can be translated also for non-humans as these practices are certainly a great poverty of spirit and one that
will bring shame to the Chinese civilization. It is now a good opportunity to follow on his Excellency Hu Jintao's footsteps to a
rich and spiritual socialism.

Respected authorities: these acts have driven people around the world beyond their limits of forbearance. There is nothing that
should justify such horror. I appeal to your conscience and the compassion that you surely have in your hearts, to put an end to so
much suffering inflicted upon the most defenceless members of your society: the animals.

Please make it illegal to inflict so much pain and agony on the voiceless and defenceless animals. Please investigate these
atrocities, and forbid any act based on cruelty immediately. Killing is easy and also ineffective, besides it shows total disrespect
to life and puts the shame on your nation.

One proven and effective method to overcome overpopulation (and diseases, like rabies) is to spay and neuter the animals to prevent
the unwanted litters produced and abandoned on the street. Carefully planned spay and neuter program will prevent the strays colony
to multiply, even when you miss some individuals. They won't produce any offspring since most of the individuals are already
sterile. We urge that this program should be assisted by animal welfare organization to ensure that the whole process fits the
animal welfare standards as we believe international organization would be more than happy to have the opportunity to help.

Modern laws and regulations must be instituted immediately to stop the massacres. No nation should have to be embarrassed of their
own country because of a actions that can only bring shame and disgrace upon itself. It would be to the great advantage of China to
put an end to this horrific treatment of animals to show the world that China is compassionate and civilized, and has the ability to
be an effective part of the third Millennium.



Pour lire la suite et voir la traduction de la lettre, cliquez ici

Dernière édition par georgeslaurent le Mer 10 Juin - 0:11, édité 2 fois
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Nombre de messages : 453
Age : 49
Localisation : namur (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2008

La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !!   La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Icon_minitimeMar 9 Juin - 23:45

Lettre envoyée et diffusion

Mais quelle horreur encore Evil or Very Mad
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Blandine (coucoul71)

Blandine (coucoul71)

Nombre de messages : 611
Age : 68
Localisation : Saône et Loire
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2008

La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !!   La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Icon_minitimeMer 10 Juin - 16:33

Je viens d'envoyer les courriers mais ils sont tous revenus "non remis" ???

Je ne sais pas pourquoi Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
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La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !!   La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Juin - 3:20

Son des gangs de fous.
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MessageSujet: Re: La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !!   La Chine massacre tous les chiens de Hanzhong !! Icon_minitime

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