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 STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde !

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3 participants

Nombre de messages : 9568
Age : 80
Localisation : (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2006

STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! Empty
MessageSujet: STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde !   STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Juil - 20:27

STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut, Uttar, Pradesh, Inde !!


STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! 510

L'Inde est le seul pays au monde qui offre dans sa Constitution de la miséricorde et des soins pour les animaux. Il s'agit d'une...
Pour lire la suite cliquez ici: http://blogaction-animaux.over-blog.fr/article-34375740.html

STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! 710

Photos sur ce lien : http://meerut-incident.synthasite.com/

La pétition:http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/India-rabid-dog-killers

STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! 1210

S'IL VOUS PLAÎT écrivez-leur à tous & Faites-leur savoir que nous savons ce qui se passe et nous condamnons le gouvernement et leurs fonctionnaires de perdre le contrôle de la loi et de l'ordre dans leur état et une petite ville et pour protéger un abattoir illégal de bovins.

STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! 112

Merci d'envoyer aux adresses mails ci-dessous :

À : dmmee@up.nic.in, aranjan78@up.nic.in, igzonemrt@up.nic.in, digrmrt@up.nic.in, sspmrt@up.nic.in, ssp_meerut@yahoo.com,

Voici la lettre à envoyer :

Dear Sir,

I was shocked reading and seeing proof about the brutal killings in taluk place Siddapur( north kanara district) Karnataka state.
PIN 581355.

For last two days the panchayat authority started killing street dogs in the most horrible and inhumane way, one could imagine. Even
the most horrible murderers are not killed in this way as these poor innocent dogs have been killed.

They are kicking the dogs and using wooden clubs, beating the dogs to death in front of children and adults.

You gave the order for these inhumane killings instead of co-operating with organizations to deal with the overpopulation of strays
by neutering and spay them and to support education to your nation, in how to take proper care of your pets.

These acts of torture and murder cannot be be excused with a reason of an outbreak of rabies, because you also know, that by
vaccinating animals will prevent them for rabies. Even when there is proof of one dog contaminated with rabies, this dog can be
humane euthanized, when this dog cannot be cured. Beating or kicking an animal to death is not the right way of a noble human

India is in desperate need of modern politicians who support true civilization and righteousness into their mind, heart and
attitude. By supporting this cruelty towards your dogs, even given an order to these barbaric killings, will give the reputation of
India a bloody one.

Permit me to quote M.K. Gandhi in this context: "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection
by man from the cruelty of man."

I urge you to stop these brutal and drastic killings of strays and co-operate with organizations who know how to deal in a
respectful way with the number of strays in your country.

Thanks for your time and I hope your will reply to me, with good news.

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Nombre de messages : 406
Age : 69
Localisation : belgique (Mons-Hainaut)
Date d'inscription : 20/07/2008

STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde !   STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! Icon_minitimeJeu 30 Juil - 22:30

Bande barbares Mad
petition signée!
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Blandine (coucoul71)

Blandine (coucoul71)

Nombre de messages : 611
Age : 68
Localisation : Saône et Loire
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2008

STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde !   STOP aux massacres de chiens à Meerut,Uttar, Pradesh, Inde ! Icon_minitimeMar 4 Aoû - 19:04

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