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 Australie : Opération barbare appelée «mulesing».

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Nombre de messages : 9568
Age : 80
Localisation : (Belgique)
Date d'inscription : 26/11/2006

Australie : Opération barbare appelée «mulesing». Empty
MessageSujet: Australie : Opération barbare appelée «mulesing».   Australie : Opération barbare appelée «mulesing». Icon_minitimeSam 24 Mar - 1:15

Les fermiers australiens procèdent à une opération barbare appelée «mulesing».

Cette pratique moyenâgeuse, et extrêmement douloureuse pour les moutons, consiste à leur couper une grosse tranche de chair autour de la queue.

Depuis longtemps, il existe des matériaux pour remplacer la laine mais l'Australie continue à martyriser des innocents pour l'argent!
Aujourd'hui, même l'Asie désire utiliser cette laine de la souffrance!

Je vous remercie beaucoup d'envoyer cette lettre, avec les images !

E-mails: fr_g_frgcsr@fastretailing.com, tyanai@uniqlo.co.jp

Objet: Boycott mulesing

Lettre à partir d'ici:

M. Yukihiro Nitta
Directeur Général
Fast Retailing

M. Tadashi Yanai
Fast Retailing

"Please boycott mulesing"


The Mulesing of lambs and young sheep is an extremely cruel procedure inflicted on thousands of Australian sheep every year.

Mulesing sheep involves running a sharp knife around the breech end of the sheep ripping off the wool and skin about the size of a dinner plate, there is no anaesthetic, and no vets. The people doing this don't care as to the accuracy of their cuts, how deep they cut or how far the ripped skin tears.

Alternatives to mulesing currently exist and are being used. Published estimates reveal that more than 20 per cent of merino sheep in Australia are not mulesed. I have heard that some retailers are advising their suppliers to support only Australian farms that use alternatives to mulesing, such as flytraps, improved diet, jetting, increased crutching prior to the onset of blowfly season, increased monitoring of sheep during blowfly season, early treatment of flystrike. Good animal-husbandry practices like these protect sheep from flystrike anywhere on the body, not only on the breech. With effective, humane alternatives available, it is unethical to subject millions of lambs to the extreme pain of mulesing between now and 2010 (if that will ever happen).

Considering all this unnecessary suffering, we ask you, please, to boycott the mulesing.



Sincerely yours,

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