Lota Animal Mon Ami
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Lota Animal Mon Ami

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 Je vis toujours.... MIRACLE

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Georges Vool

Georges Vool

Nombre de messages : 1175
Age : 89
Localisation : Wansin (Hannut)
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2006

Je vis toujours.... MIRACLE Empty
MessageSujet: Je vis toujours.... MIRACLE   Je vis toujours.... MIRACLE Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Aoû - 20:04

Je vis toujours.... MIRACLE

(voir vidéo)

Sugar est une chienne à TAIWAN, trouvée et sauvée comme chiot – elle a survécu la maltraitance, 2 pattes cassées, une pneumonie, elle était paralysée, abandonnée sur un toit sans aucune ombre…

Elle a été adoptée par une famille, la société de protection pour animaux de Taiwan lui a offert une chaise roulante. C’est un animal plein d’amour pour les humains et pour les autres animaux de la famille.

Wonderful Two-legged Dog named "Sugar"
Marked as: Featured

From the producer of this video:

"Sugar is a two-legged miracle dog who was found here in Taiwan more dead than alive as a puppy. She overcame abuse, pneumonia, a badly broken legs, an unsuitable adoption family, brain damage and ensuing paralysis from being left on a rooftop without any shade.

Sugar was rescued by www.AnimalsTaiwan.org, gave her a wheelchair, and just found her a new family. After all she's been through, Sugar has nothing but love to give. Love for humans and for the other animals in our family. With this video, which has now AIRED ON CNN, we want to share the puppy love and spread the word about www.AnimalsTaiwan.org

Strays like Sugar need Animals Taiwan, a fully volunteer-driven organization based in Taipei. Animals Taiwan needs you to please help us help more animals like Sugar. You may donate through Paypal at http://www.animalstaiwan.org"

If dogs had attitudes, this one has a very very good one. And kudos to the organization that rescued her and the family that's taking care of her.

P.S: I put "Lab" & "Labrador" as tags. I am not sure this dog is but he/she sure looks like one. Tell us if you know.

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